Hot Air and Heat Pumps

The air-source heating system which we've been fundraising for in the last couple of years is now being installed. It works like an inside-out fridge. It captures heat from outside – even in below-zero temperatures - and moves it inside. It’s powered by electricity and we’ll help generate that by installing solar panels on our south facing roofs. 

The heat pump is forecast to reduce our annual heating carbon footprint by approx. 28 tonnes, 86% of our heating footprint and as the heat pump is powered by the electricity grid which is getting greener year by year, our residual carbon footprint will continue to decrease going forward.

The solar panels are forecast to reduce our electricity carbon emissions by approx 2 tonnes which is 56% of our electricity footprint.

This will take us a small step forward into the future… and a small step backward to a world where people understood how everything was connected. This talk one Sunday morning has more hot air about all this (click here).